Monday, November 8, 2010

Block and Tackle: The Right to Debate

It happened today, rather early this morning.  From a computer terminal far, far, away someone logged into to their Facebook group and scanned the postings of its members.  They found mine, a post left wondering if the vitriol spewed forth in my direction was the meaning or intent of the group.  “Choose America First” finds itself with a great patriotic name, a great logo, and a good sounding board.  Aimed at conservatives and Republicans, it is one of many now drowning the voices of reason into deep waters of hateful rhetoric.  It is really too bad, a waste of this broad platform.  “Choose” has 27,000 members, but is dominated by one or two loud voices.  These few voices communicate only fear and hate in their written words; voices of venom rather than ideas.  These are the voices that close doors and shut down the conversations of Americas’ future.  When you hear the cries of ultra-right racism and hate speech, tone deaf orators…it isn’t a universally true accusation; but it is founded in the voices overwhelming debates in groups such as this.  So, not as the yelling but as the yelled at, I was blocked; no longer allowed to participate in the rabid conversation of right-wing poli-speak.  Blocked for what – panic and fear and name-calling?  No.  Removed from the conversation simply for disagreement; simply for providing another view.  For nothing more than simply demanding that conservatives be conservatives, that Right doesn’t always mean right and that Red has a lot to make up for.  Simply, because my speech isn’t free in this smaller world of radicalism and blind fear. 
I remain to tackle the issue of false conservatism.  I remain to tackle the misleading rhetoric of some GOP when doing other than that of which they speak.  I believe in this country.  I do not believe, however, that it is best served in the hands of those who lie to us; nor to those who like to be lied to without intelligent debate and deliberate understanding of the arena they choose to play in.  So, I do choose America first, always have.  I choose, however, NOT to block by ability to learn, not to forego my right to redress my government, not to be lead by sound bites and media clips.  I choose to tackle the issue head on, and leave those who are blind to be fed by others and having to wait to be told what they are eating.
“Thought that is silenced is always rebellious. Majorities, of course, are often mistaken. This is why the silencing of minorities is necessarily dangerous. Criticism and dissent are the indispensable antidotes to major delusions.” – Alan Barth
“Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.” – D. Eisenhower


  1. Thanks for writing this Paul. It is an important read

  2. Please come to my blog. We desperately need more reasonable voices.
